Member News

Guest Column – BrightView

by | Jan 19, 2021

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, BrightView has kept its doors open for those looking for high quality and compassionate addiction treatment. Once news of the pandemic came to light and businesses were hurrying to make changes, BrightView immediately created a virtual component that enabled people to essentially go through the entire scheduling and intake process without leaving the comfort of their home. Our modified virtual programs ensured during the most unpredictable times that anyone, anywhere had access to treatment. Along with virtual assessments, BrightView made sure that our ongoing patient population still had access to group and individual counseling sessions. Our amazing clinical staff was able to continue these group and individual sessions virtually, facilitating countless numbers of therapy sessions for our patients every day. We pride ourselves on adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic as quickly as we did and are also happy to say that we continue to provide these services. In addition, BrightView never closed its doors during the pandemic, rather opting to adhere to incredibly strict health protocols (masks for all staff and patients at all times), professionally cleaning each site every evening, and recognizing and respecting the 6 feet “socially distant” rule for patients and staff alike. BrightView will serve patients equally, without regard to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or national origin. You can easily schedule yourself, a loved one, or a patient of yours to us by visiting BrightView has a 24/7 hotline (833-510-HELP (8357), where you can call any time of the day or evening and schedule an assessment or ask questions about our services.
Renena Hale
Guest Column Opportunities
If you have a positive example of workplace success or problem solving during the pandemic and would like to share it with others, please send your response to
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