Member News

Guest Column – The Kiwanis Club of South Metro – Bill Pees

by | Oct 19, 2021

The Kiwanis Club of South Metro has been adding members
over the last several months and presently has 14 members.
Kiwanis is a 106 year old service organization of volunteers
Dedicated to improving the world one child and one
community at a time. The focus is on youth and also on
community projects. Kiwanis is in 80 countries and 600,000

Kiwanis sponsors youth clubs from Elementary School thru
College. They also sponsor clubs for adults with disabilities.
The South Metro Club meets on the 1st Thursday at
Bennett’s Upstairs in Miamisburg at noon on 67S. Main St.
and the third Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. also at Bennett’s. The next
meeting is Tuesday August 17th at 5:30 p.m. at Allstate
Insurance, 2233 Miamisburg-Centerville Rd. Across from
SAKE. Parking in the rear of the building. All visitors are

The Club is just finishing its third project helping the
Miamisburg School system distribute school supplies at the
Miamisburg Christian Church.

Internationally, Kiwanis is presently partnering with Unicef in
third world countries helping cure those mothers with
Tetanus who are pregnant so the child does not get sick.
Around $100 million dollars has been raised for the child to
get a $2 shot.

If you have questions about the South Metro Club please
contact Bill Pees at 937-361-8694 or