Good Business Practices #8

by | Sep 14, 2022

The Business Circle

For years business savvy wizards have created their own Business Circle.

The idea is to encourage and mentor suppliers to associate closely with a major customer which enables them to depend on that product to be available always. Sometime these suppliers are located in close proximity, like the A8’s around Wright Patterson, and all the part manufacturers around General Motors years ago.

So if you are a big corporation or manufacturer, it behooves you to strongly support your suppliers. If you are a supplier, make every effort to maintain excellent relationships with customers.

Additionally, cities and townships, shopping centers, or vital business like food or service do the same thing. Share orders, establish consistent open hours, and share advertising costs.

We can overcome current obstacles like supply chain by buying American and building our own Business Circles.

Often your competitor can be your ally.

We advocate for business and serve members’ needs to assure economic vitality in the region.

Signature of Julia Maxton, President
Julia Maxton
South Metro Regional Chamber of Commerce, President