by smadmin | Oct 19, 2021 | Guest Column, News
The Kiwanis Club of South Metro has been adding members over the last several months and presently has 14 members. Kiwanis is a 106 year old service organization of volunteers Dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. The focus is on...
by smadmin | Oct 19, 2021 | Guest Column, News
Cedar Oaks Wellness Center is a new Drug and Alcohol Residential Treatment program located in Oregonia, Ohio. This new premier treatment center is here to help people where they are on their journey to recovery. They recognize that the road to recovery looks a little...
by smadmin | Aug 2, 2021 | Blog
The Dayton Mall, Far from Gone! Contrary to the “word on the street”, the Dayton Mall is anything but dead or dying. Yes, the mall along with countless other retail centers around the world have lost tenants due to bankruptcies and dealing with the difficulties we...
by smadmin | May 26, 2021 | Guest Column, News
A Caring Culture Growing up in Kettering in the 70’s with my parents and 3 older sisters was truly a blessing. We had a nice home, food each day, clothes and all the necessities of life. We even took our wood grained paneled station wagon out west on a 2-week family...
by smadmin | May 26, 2021 | Guest Column, News
The first day of school this year looked quite different from any other we have experienced, but in the midst of uncertainty and change, we were celebrating God’s goodness. By God’s grace, we were able to bring our students back on campus Aug. 19 for in-person,...